Metford Building, Unit 9, Evegate Business Park, Station Road TN25 6SX
We offer comprehensive Podiatry, Chiropody and Foot Health services.
Our specialist team can treat ingrowing nails and help manage and rehabilitate musculoskeletal issues such as; heel pain, forefoot pain, ankle and knee pain. We provide bespoke treatment and management plans as well as fully customised orthotics. As well as offering biomechanical assessment and dynamic gait analysis.
We treat patients requiring chiropody such as; corns, hard skin, cracked heels, verrucae, nail management etc. Also working in partnership with the Paula Carr Trust to deliver specialist diabetic care and screening clinics.
Our HCPC registered Podiatry and Chiropody team can help.
We offer a professional and confidential service. You do not require a referral to be seen by us, although we are more than happy to accept referrals from fellow practitioners and other medical professionals.